Discover Darling: The Flower of the West Coast

Darling, a quaint village with a big reputation for its stunning wildflowers, is aptly known as The Flower of the West Coast. Its rich flora is its greatest asset, with golden wheat fields and vineyards in summer, and rolling green hills dotted with arum lilies and grazing cows in winter. However, it's in spring that Darling truly blossoms, becoming a must-visit stopover along the West Coast Road.
Founded in 1853 and named after Sir Charles Henry Darling, the former Lieutenant Governor of the Cape, Darling lies in the region formerly known as De Groene Kloof (the Green Valley). The town, which gained municipal status in 1955, has made a concerted effort to market its tourism attractions, particularly its botanical wealth. Come September, over 1000 species of flowering plants emerge, making the region truly unique.
In 1917, the annual Darling Wildflower Show was founded by Mrs. Suzanne Malan of Die Pastorie and Mr. Frederick Duckitt of Waylands. Their aim was to showcase Darling's floral wealth and promote flower conservation among local farmers. This tradition has been maintained over several generations, preserving the region's botanical diversity.
The wildflower show, which coincides with an orchid show, takes place during the third weekend in September and attracts large numbers of tourists. The show has evolved from a few floral arrangements in a hall to spectacular exhibitions reflecting Darling's geographical diversity. All flowers and plants on display grow wild in the Darling district and are picked under the strict supervision of the Darling Wildflower Society.
Darling's annual Voorkamerfest is considered one of the world's most unique arts festivals. This theatrical adventure takes you into the sitting rooms of local residents, where you're entertained by renowned South African and foreign performers. The festival, held annually in the first week of September, takes place in 21 homes, ranging from township shacks to grand Cape Dutch homesteads.
Darling is also home to the theatre and restaurant of famous South African comedian Pieter-Dirk Uys, Evita se Perron. This venue hosts the Voorkamerfest and regular Darling Talent Shows, offering a unique South African cultural experience.
Just 75km from Cape Town, Darling is the perfect weekend getaway destination.